Supported solely by generous gifts from individuals, groups, and businesses, the Foundation annually funds and awards grants that show promise of enriching the educational opportunities throughout the Monona Grove School District. Teachers and support staff within the Monona Grove School District are eligible for all current grants listed below.

Interested in applying, or have questions? Review the MGEF Grants Policy. Have additional questions? Please email us.

Learn about Grants and Apply

mgef INNOVATION grants

The Monona Grove Education Foundation Innovation Grants support creative initiatives and educator training that cannot be funded through the regular school budget. This includes projects or programs that enhance the existing curriculum, enrich the educational opportunities or support meritorious extra-curricular projects, including funding fine arts throughout the District.

MGEF Grant Applications Due 1/31/23.

Related Forms: Grant Policies and Administrator Approval Form


From the 7th grade science team:
Melissa Vervoort-Landsness, Tim Mortensen, Tara Dahlberg

Dear MGEF,

Thank you for the funds that allowed us to purchase Foldscopes for use by the 7th graders at Glacial Drumlin School.

We purchased foldscopes to enhance the outdoor experience of students as they explored the microscopic world. Since then, students have examined both prepared slides and live samples with the supplies purchased with the grant funds.

Below are pictures of students using the foldscopes during the 7th grade fall field trip to the Cottage Grove School Forest.

Anecdotal summaries from the day included: “That’s so cool!” “What am I looking at?” “That’s the leg of a butterfly? It’s so hairy, it needs to shave.” “That’s awesome!” “I had no idea it looked like that!”
Overall, this addition to our science program allowed all 7th graders to access the tools of scientists in a mobile way.

Thank you for supporting innovation of educators in the district.