Supported solely by generous gifts from individuals, groups, and businesses, the Foundation annually funds and awards grants that show promise of enriching the educational opportunities throughout the Monona Grove School District. Teachers and support staff within the Monona Grove School District are eligible for all current grants listed below.

Interested in applying, or have questions? Have additional questions? Please email us.

Learn about Grants and Apply


This fund is so new that we are still developing the framework.  The basic idea is that every student should have an equal opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities or clubs.  Access to equipment or needed items should not be a barrier to trying a new endeavor.  For example:

·        A student who wants to try band, but cannot afford the rental fee

·        A student who needs a backpack – we have some on hand from a previous request

·        A student who needs materials for an art project

The Starting Line Fund will help fund the needed items or materials, so the student makes it to the Starting Line.

More details on obtaining/applying for funding will be coming soon.  However, if you encounter an immediate need, please reach out to your building Administrator, School Counselor or the MGEF directly at

To apply please complete the PIF Application linked below.